Saturday 18 August 2012

Last day (or "yesterday" in Ace speak)

Or alternatively 48 hours of snot, spew and shit.  Sometimes this mothering gig is really bloody average.  On Thursday afternoon Ace was so very naughty... I put it down to no longer having his afternoon nap but when I was treated to the 2am spew later that night I thought perhaps I hadn't failed as a mother but there was more to this behaviour than simply a means to drive me BONKERS!

Meanwhile Sonny's nose hasn't stopped running for a week, then this morning he woke me with a shrieking cry at 5am, which I ignored, only to go to him an hour later to find him happily playing in a pool of vomit. Bad mother!  Needless to say all I have done in the past 2 days is wash in the world's worst washing machine. Who would have thought I would miss my washing machine. I used to be someone!

I ran into some film folk at Slowtown some time back and figured they were in a department I used to frequent (editorial) so I struck up a conversation (desperate!) and told them to say hi to their boss, (Hi Matt). There I was standing with my rug rats and they rather naively (they were 20-something boy-men) asked me what department I was in... cute I thought... like the Department of Sanitation or the Department of Mental Warfare maybe.

I have read two blog posts recently that got me thinking about this mothering caper... I always thought age 2 was supposed to be the tough gig but holy crap this 3 year old business is nuts.  This one had me laughing out loud..  and this one got me thinking about my inevitable return to the workforce one day!

That being said in between the tears, screaming, tantrums and bodily fluids it has been a good week, more sunshine,  trips to the playground, birthday cupcakes, wine & cheese in the arvo & a day with daddy tomorrow.

And before I go... Happy Birthday to Lea, Luca, Alistair, Abby and the mother of all mothers, my mum! x

Finally Sonny has his own posse.

Ace had not ridden on this death trap up until this day at the park.

Sonny playing with Himba boy and Ace being super sweet with Dusty... if only Sonny was so lucky.

He likes to help me with the washing.

Macyn's birthday cupcakes.

"Finally someone reads me a book!"

Wine & cheese arvo.

Busy little dude.


  1. I have your vegemite - posting on Monday. Nice outfit, Sonny! Lucian on the verge of walking - staggering around the place, and causing trouble at every turn...

    As for work. Am considering the 'was in a coma for 5 years' option at this point... x

  2. Ha ha... thanks for the vegemite you have saved this little family of aussies.
    It's such a gorgeous age, even with the mad tantrums. Send me a pic of Lucian.

  3. Lovely Kate, finally a bit of me time ( uni study and writing etc taking up more of my limited time than first thought!), should be fninishing my final assignment for the year ( yes, early but thank goodness) but have cleaned the floors instead and now a coffe at hand. Have just read your blog and scrolled through photos. Your boys!!! Wow , great guns, they are so beautiful . Do you have moments where you look at them and marvel? ( I know most of the time we are looking at our kids going will you stop whining!). Its great to see that you have a community of friends to have parties and the like. I love seeing the landscape you live in - so very surreal. Your blonde haired boys look like cast aways from Lord of the flies in that coastal far away place! Will be in touch. Love the blog. J.westy xx
