Wednesday 17 October 2012

The one where Ace rode a horse and I rode a mule.

In the lead up to Mum & Dad's arrival,  we managed to take Ace back for another horse ride.  It has probably been 3 months since we first went and the difference in him was huge.  He sat up there on Renegade all confident, happy and proud.  Soon it will be Sonny's turn but for now he is happy with mum!

So after many months of discussion Mum and Dad finally flew around the world to see us.  Ace was pretty keen for the sign to read "Welcome to the Airport" but I managed to convince him that Africa had more impact!  The boys were beside themselves happy, Sonny remembered his Nana & Pa and Ace was deliriously excited.  Steve received almost his body weight in chocolate and Aussie Milo, lucky devil!

It has been an interesting experience to fully realise how much my parenting has slipped in these tough months, as in for the most part solo parenting. Mum has swept in and tried to restore some order.  The "snot rag" is now called the "nose cloth".  Sonny is experiencing consistent discipline when he throws his toys around the house.  And well I have only yelled once in 3 days... oh the quiet!!  It is the reset button I have been dreaming of.

So with order at home I swiftly took off to go horse riding.  Its been many years since I rode a horse and it looks like it will be many more.  In my complete animal ignorance, Noni pointed out that there was a little bit of donkey in my "horse" called Spock but when mum, dad and Steve cried with laughter upon seeing my photos, well I realised perhaps there was a little more donkey than horse!  A mule to be precise.  Oh well, we had fun, trotting & cantering like the man from snowy river and I have the sore bum to prove it! 

We have a jam packed schedule and it's going to fly by.  Dad will probably take the entire trip to correctly pronounce "Swakopmund" but he is already full of interesting facts about the town.  The raw sewerage they water all the lush gardens with is a constant source of bafflement for him.  And well Mum is shopping for Australia!  They are off on the Living Desert Tour tomorrow and we are quad biking on Sunday and in between we will try to visit all the cafes, scoot to the playground most afternoons, and just enjoy some family time.

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