In other news Ace is ill again. I decided to give the little dude the day off to visit the doctor and get to the bottom of his persistent cough. Dr Dirk peered in his throat & listened to his chest and diagnosed him with tonsillitis and bronchitis & prescribed what he called the Swakop Kid Cocktail. I now have the enviable task of dosing him with 5 different medicines, 2-3 times a day for the next 5 days, I guess it is my penance for taking him to swimming lessons yesterday!
Steve is also as sick as a dog, coughing up a storm but otherwise happy. Its been a long and often tough shoot for him, shooting in the African desert is no picnic. Also working with the locals has been enlightening, the asking for money ethic is quite different to ours and he has heard all the stories. He recently was asked for money because his brother had been bitten in half by a crocodile and the best so far, one guy needed money for a circumcision so he could marry into another tribe!
Sonny on the other hand is tip top, throwing tantrums, wrestling anyone who dares get horizontal and hurling things down the stair case... oh how I long to live on a single level. It's extraordinary the things that can push a mother over the edge and a three level home is one.
Our social life ramps up again in the month of October with birthday parties and cupcakes almost weekly. Of course back home in Australia we are missing some big ones. Just in the next two weeks Juno turns 2, Ben turns 1 and Archie turns 1.. Happy Birthday!! (We'll save the rest for another post.)
We are all excited about the imminent arrival of my parents. I am mostly excited for them to see how Sonny has grown, he is no longer a baby and we can see hints of the boy he'll become, fiery, determined and sweet as an angel.. you know the usual toddler madness! It will be so unreal to have some support during the often grueling week of the film widow and to finally share some of this life with that life!
Ace & Clarence have been cast as sheep in the Bugs & Beetles production of "The Nativity of Jesus"... too cute! This will be my first costume effort and I am fortunate to have Sarah to guide me through. I spent some weeks stressing that we would miss the show but the move to Cape Town has been pushed and we are so far in the clear. I can't wait to see our little sheep sing "Away in a Manger", "Whoops a Daisy Angel" and "He's got the Whole World"!
We are also patiently waiting for some our favorite guys to become first time fathers... good luck Al & Foto, just remember to do whatever your wife says for the foreseeable future and always ask if she needs anything when she is being held hostage breast-feeding on the couch, it may look like we are kicking back but it is tough and emotional work.
And finally my bestie is pouring all her creative genius into an incredible documentary about Calisthenics. It is a little known fact that my grace, confidence and agility is the product of the Calisthenics movement. Take a look at her Indiegogo campaign for Calisthenics: A Love Story and help make the dream a reality by throwing her some dough.
Later xxx
Sonny in the sunshine |
I would have to say the Guinea Fowl is a favorite with the boys! |
Oscar's eyelash - Photo by Noni |
Photo by Noni |
Photo by Noni |
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