Thursday, 15 November 2012

Danke Swakopmund.

So.... the past week fews have been epic, saying goodbye to my parentals, saying good bye to Swakop, the school concert, braiis, lunchs, one last trip to everywhere, a first trip to the recently opened Aquarium, crew wrap party, packing and the inevitable last swakop cough & cold!  Steve left on the crew charter a few hours ago and the boys have been asleep for close to 3 hours!  Tomorrow is Ace's last day at Bugs & Beetles, we have a lunch with Sharon to thank her in some small way for the kindness and generosity she has shown us by driving us to pre-school each and every day for the past 5 months. 

The sadness and nostalgia for this crazy little town is setting in... we will miss the wide empty streets, the ladies who love the boys in the cafes we visit, the security guy at Spa that looks after Ace's scooter when we do our shopping, Leonard who always signs hello to his little namesake as we pay for our groceries, Vitto & Janis who toil away in our garden and clean our buckie so well each weekend, no traffic, no traffic lights, rarely driving a car, Bugs & Beetles, walking everywhere, being able to eat out so much, the colorful dangerous playground, the chocolate milkshakes, the quiet, the Atlantic ocean, the guinea fowl, our new friends and our old friends.

Next stop Cape Town.. till then here are some pics of the past 2 weeks.  Ace's school concert was UNREAL.  I could not be more proud of our little sheep.


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