Tuesday 5 June 2012

My dog has a blog.

So when I was pregnant with Sonny I started reading blogs, thanks to LZ.  With the intolerable hours of insomnia I developed quite the habit. Then when I was marooned on the couch breast-feeding it was the best way to relieve the boredom, cos lets face it being a stay at home mum can be bloody boring some days.  I had always liked the idea of writing a blog but didn't think there was anything blog worthy in my life and when would I find the time.  But here we are now.  We have moved to Swakopmund in Namibia, Africa for Steve to finally shoot Mad Max 4, Fury Rd and it seems like the perfect opportunity to blog. It will fulfill the need to keep you all abreast of our rather extraordinary life, be an excellent record of our family's little/big adventure and to exercise my brain.

So here it is... it may be full of spelling mistakes, bad photography and poorly composed posts but at least we'll be in touch and you can read along.  It will be part journal, part postcard and part rant.

Love Kate xx


  1. Hurrah! Can't wait to read about your adventures ladyblogger xx

  2. Thanks you. You were my original inspiration. x
