Sunday 1 July 2012

Beautiful Freak

In news from home, my favorite niece has officially made me feel middle-aged. Damn all the 40ths happening around me, it has taken the family teenager rocking some crazy concert duds to confirm I am a million years old.  I love it, her independence & style & her whole incredible life ahead. We all remember our first concert, mine was George Michael or was it New Kids on the Block like Steve! For Belle it was One Direction then Lady Gaga last night! Ah to be a teenage monster again! 


  1. You feel old Kate? You can only imagine how old I felt as the 'responsible adult' taking her to the concert. Belle was a bit horrified by the number of 'old' people there - but I had a ball!

    Megan passed your blog address on - it's fantastic. Hope all the illnesses pass soon - it is all sounding great other than that.

  2. Wow I am so envious, I wish I had been there to go... could have pretended I still had it, for one more night at least.
    Glad you are enjoying the blog. The boys are well for now, the joys of winter in Africa!
