Wednesday 4 July 2012

A Bugs & Beetles Life

Ace was lucky enough to get into Bugs & Beetles not long after we arrived in Swakopmund.  Many of you would know that Ace has until this point stayed at home with me and well, after three years it was time for us both to spread our wings.  Pre-school places for 3 yr olds are pretty hard to find in the eastern suburbs of Sydney so our hopes of starting pre-school (kindy) this year were nil but here in Africa its been a much more cheerful story. 

Bugs & Beetles is an English speaking pre-school run by Auntie Dot who is German! I did not hold much hope of getting a place there but the planets aligned and Ace was able to start there at the beginning of term with his buddy Clarence from Sydney.  He goes five mornings a week and aside from a few teary mornings in his first week he is having a great time.  I am so proud of him, not only has he moved country but he has started his "formal" education.  He is socialising well, doing painting & craft, playing with the boys and the girls and pretty much taking it all in his big, little stride.

Last Friday we went on his first excursion to the farm.. Namibia style. A ride in a Land Rover with no child seat, a tour through the battery hen farm & all the other farmyard friends including a tortoise!  I was able to watch my boy do his pre-school thing and I was impressed.  Holding Wilhmenia's hand, listening to Auntie Dot, washing his hands before lunch & hanging with his buddies!

On Monday he started swimming lessons with his lovely friend Tilly.  He hadn't been in the pool since March and he was a champion.  As for the scooter, he is a gun. No hill too steep and loves trying some moving acrobatics!

When we first arrived in Namibia he was so super naughty and I have always found whenever he is physically growing he can be quite a handful. I am sure he has grown since May (no surprise, I know but this time alot!).  His social life has exploded and finally he and Sonny are playing together.  He now talks of monsters and pretends to be scared but also loves a good game of puppy dog and loves telling Steve stories by torch light that start "one upon a time" and are about two boys called Ace & Sonny. He has also started using words like dead, emergency and had his first play date with guns, soon he will be talking in grunts and using fake ID. 

I was responding to an email from before we left for Namibia and I noticed I referred to the boys as "my toddler and baby".  But damn... things have changed, I now have a boy and an almost toddler!

BTW - you are able to click on all the photos to view them bigger.  And these were numbered to appear in a certain order but Blogger has its own ideas!

Walking to school when the scooter broke down.

This morning in full Swakop outfit.

Running with the girls

With Whilmenia

Ace & Clarry

Having a little brother is fun!

First ever pre-school painting - a keeper.

Swimming lessons with Tilly

After swimming lessons

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